Dramatis persona*

helenhead Helen Chick

I've always wanted a bumper sticker that said "I'm a female, LDS/Mormon, Scout leading, geocaching, piano-playing, bicycling, mathematics educator with a PhD in maths ... and I VOTE"!

I think this makes me a minority group of cardinality 1!

* Since there's only one of me and "personae" is plural (I think), I've gone with dramatis persona.
May 2016
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Midlands 2016-#9NS

It was a rather frantic day today and my intentions of leaving in sufficient time so that I would (a) not be travelling too late and (b) be able to catch the light for one of the photographs I had hoped to take, went out the window. However — speaking of “out the window” — before […]

Moods of the Mountain #75

A winter evening at the end of a sunny day. Earlier in the evening the light down the river to the bridge was lovely (see second photo), and I also caught the wake of a passing boat making quicksilver effects.

The full “Moods of the Mountain collection” […]

Another Waterworks 50th

My Aunty Mari and Uncle David (my Mum’s sister and brother-in-law) celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this week, and had a gathering of friends and family at the Waterworks. The weather was cool but good for winter (and certainly better than the forecast), and a very enjoyable time was had by all. Most of my people […]

Midlands 2016-#8S

Yarn-bombers have attacked Campbell Town. The eclectic knitwear bedecks the statue of Eliza Forlong(e) who, in the early 1800s, was largely responsible for getting merino sheep established in Australia (hence the ram that accompanies her). Although it is, perhaps, ironic to have her clothed in knitted finery I am guessing that most of the yarn is […]

Midlands 2016-#8N

After running a day of professional learning in Hobart I jumped in the car to head north, hoping that I’d have the light for at least half the journey (short daylight hours are the down-side of winter travel).

With the sun having its winter northerly orientation it was lighting up the big historic 1860s mansion, Wybra Hall. […]

Midlands 2016-#7S

I was running a full day of professional learning for teachers in Campbell Town today, but despite the relatively early start I failed to capture what was a lovely sunrise as I headed north (we were keen to be on our way and the angles weren’t “quite right”). On the way back the light wasn’t quite […]

Moods of the Mountain #74

A dramatic little cloud band just sitting on top of the summit.

The full “Moods of the Mountain collection” […]

Midlands 2016-#6NS

The second northward trip for the week had Burnie as its destination. The mid-afternoon sun put in an appearance, setting things aglow with a gentle autumnal luminosity. I have taken a shot here before (and given it the black and white treatment), but today there were new shoots of green illuminated after the recent rains had […]

12 of 12, May 2016

Ugh. A rather mixed day for this month’s 12 of 12.

This week and the coming fortnight are just a little crazy in terms of scheduling. Here’s this week, according to the “office hours” notice pinned to my door. (You will probably notice that I don’t know what week it is. You can see why.) Even though […]

Midlands 2016-#5N

This week’s first Midlands trip allowed me to capture something I’ve been waiting for awhile. Just south of Ross, on the property “Somercotes”, stands all that remains of Horton College, once a fairly prestigious boys’ school that operated in the mid-late 1800s. The arched entrance — which I once thought was a “folly” rather than the […]