Dramatis persona*

helenhead Helen Chick

I've always wanted a bumper sticker that said "I'm a female, LDS/Mormon, Scout leading, geocaching, piano-playing, bicycling, mathematics educator with a PhD in maths ... and I VOTE"!

I think this makes me a minority group of cardinality 1!

* Since there's only one of me and "personae" is plural (I think), I've gone with dramatis persona.
February 2019
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Moods of the Mountain #106

Summer sunsets over Mt Wellington are usually pretty special. By winter the sun is setting more northerly, which means that the dramatic effects occur much further to the right of the main peak.

The full “Moods of the Mountain” collection […]

Master class with Simon Halsey

The TSO Chorus were privileged to be able to experience a master class day of rehearsals with Simon Halsey, who is a famous English choral conductor (he is Chorus Director of the City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus, Artistic Director of the chorus of Palau de la Música Catalana, in Barcelona, and Conductor Laureate of the Berlin […]

12 of 12, February 2019 (and Moods of the Mountain #105)

The day began with a rainy morning, after a hot, dry January with many bushfires. Hopefully the rain will go some way to finally extinguishing the remnant smouldering bits.

My Mum kindly dropped around an egg and bacon pie, which will solve the Tuesday dinner problem before my evening rehearsal (and some other meals later in what […]

Wooden Boat Festival

Every two years Hobart hosts the Australian Wooden Boat Festival, which showcases lots of wooden boats, large and small. This year our Scouts were invited to come along and build a couple of wooden canoes. These are made from plywood (and the guy running the workshop pre-cuts the pieces for the kids), and then assembled with […]