Dramatis persona*

helenhead Helen Chick

I've always wanted a bumper sticker that said "I'm a female, LDS/Mormon, Scout leading, geocaching, piano-playing, bicycling, mathematics educator with a PhD in maths ... and I VOTE"!

I think this makes me a minority group of cardinality 1!

* Since there's only one of me and "personae" is plural (I think), I've gone with dramatis persona.
September 2016
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Midlands 2016-#19N

I didn’t manage a photo on the return trip of this week’s overnight visit to Launceston, but on the way up I stopped and got some later afternoon muted light reflections of the willows and jetty in the dam in someone’s front yard.

(I try to take at least one photo on each of my long-distance north-bound […]

Moods of the Mountain #79

After a mild and sunny day, things start getting ominous.

The full “Moods of the Mountain collection” […]

Midlands 2016-#18S

I’d hoped to catch some spring lambs and the abundant wattle on my return journey, but I missed the best of the opportunities, thanks to heavy traffic that made stopping difficult. I found some other lambs (there are plenty of them about) and some other wattle (the flowers a brilliant spring yellow though the bane of […]

12 of 12, September 2016

And, with some predictability, the 12th comes around again. This month’s 12 of 12 found me in Launceston for a day of teaching and other stuff. I’d come up yesterday, but for a number of reasons didn’t write my daily journal entry before going to bed, making that the first order of business for the day […]

Midlands 2016-#18N

This week’s two night trip to Launceston is centred around the 12th, and so, since I took a few photos on my northbound journey, I’ll post those first, then bring you 12 of 12, and finally, if there’s something that catches my eye on my return journey (and I do have some possibilities in mind, weather […]

Midlands 2016-#17NS

This trip was an overnight trip to Campbell Town, for a work meeting on one day and then a day of professional learning the next. On the way up I stopped where the highway bypasses Ross. Some 200m north of the highway there is a long ruined building that has lost most of its roof. I’m […]

Moods of the Mountain #78

We interrupt the midlands to bring you a mountain. Today was one of those bright but slightly faded spring mornings, and a cloud drift was draped across the summit.

The full “Moods of the Mountain collection” […]

Midlands 2016-#16NS

You’re going to have a whole sequence of Midlands photos in the next couple of weeks as I have a few trips scheduled. For this trip, I headed up to Launceston yesterday and I stopped to get a shot of the industrial magnificence that is the zinc works, behind the Bowen Bridge. Today, my return journey […]