Dramatis persona*
Helen Chick
I've always wanted a bumper sticker that said "I'm a female, LDS/Mormon, Scout leading, geocaching, piano-playing, bicycling, mathematics educator with a PhD in maths ... and I VOTE"! I think this makes me a minority group of cardinality 1!
* Since there's only one of me and "personae" is plural (I think), I've gone with dramatis persona.
Sunday 29 Nov
“Sing Messiah in Oxford” has now been crossed off the “To Do” list. And it was excellent fun (and exhausting, as well).
There were 45 or so in the choir, with half of them having only attended this weekend’s two compulsory rehearsals (I did one extra on Thursday). The conductor had organised a dozen or […]
Saturday 28 Nov
I knew today was going to be an odds-and-endsy day, but I wanted to get out and see how wet things have been getting on Port Meadow, plus there was a cache in that general direction that I have been wanting to find for a while (a big country-side cache, as opposed to a […]
Thursday 26 Nov
The joy of specs: Your eyeballs don’t freeze while cycling to work when it’s 5°C.
No specs please, we’re British: On the other hand, if it’s raining—as it often does—then windscreen wipers would be a useful accessory.
Gone … for now: Very late (well, early Friday morning) I finally submitted one of the papers that I […]
After a very mild fortnight, where the daily maximum has been around 13°C, the weather has started to cool down and deliver the wintry chill that I was expecting. I think there might be a frost tonight, and I have been rugged up in scarf, beanie, gloves, and windproof coat for the cycle trips to and […]
Saturday 21 Nov (part 2)
Having “done” Greenwich (including a “bacon butty” for lunch), I then headed down to the river and caught a ferry back up the Thames towards Waterloo. We passed such landmarks as Tower Bridge and the Tower of London with the Gherkin behind it (the Gherkin is a rather distinctive office tower you […]
Saturday 21 Nov (part 1)
Since one of the main distractions in my life involves electronic navigation and degrees of latitude and longitude (oh, and plastic boxes, but they’re just to provide additional motivation) it was only natural to make a pilgrimage to Greenwich.
Imagine my surprise, therefore, to discover, that I hit the magical E 000° 00.000 […]
Tuesday 17 – Thursday 19 Nov
Tuesday morning dawned gloriously, so I took advantage of the good weather to go for a walk in Christ Church Meadow, which runs south of Merton College and Christ Church (cathedral and college). It has been a very mild autumn so far, with an atypical absence of fogs and frosts (the […]
Pruning saw.
That’s a […]
Saturday 14 Nov
Yep, this is the 100th post, apparently. So, what to do to celebrate?
Sleep in. No.
Go to a day conference of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics in Loughborough (about 1.5 hours north) and give a talk, attend sessions, and catch up with some people I’ve met at other conferences. Yes.
Find a cache […]
Friday 13 Nov
This evening was a bit of a treat, as I attended a concert at the Sheldonian Theatre (pictured at right in daylight). For your architectural edification, the Sheldonian was designed by Christopher Wren and is used for university graduations. One half is semicircular and the other is a rectangle, and it has a painted […]
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