I have been hanging out for the Easter break as I am in desperate need of some R&R. After a bit of a sleep in (by which I mean I turned off my alarms, and then still woke early anyway, but at least didn’t have to rush to get up) I set off on a […]
I have been hanging out for the Easter break as I am in desperate need of some R&R. After a bit of a sleep in (by which I mean I turned off my alarms, and then still woke early anyway, but at least didn’t have to rush to get up) I set off on a […] A trip to Melbourne for a conference allowed me to plan an extra day doing a little maintenance on some of my Victorian caches. The most problematic one — in terms of damage and distance to travel to get to it — was on Mt Charlie, about 50 minutes north of Melbourne, not far from a […] Although I haven’t done much caching in the past many months I still enjoy doing it and I am always keen to find geocaches in new countries and towns. We had spare time on our first day in Cusco allowing us to spend the morning exploring some of the city by doing a multi-cache which visited […] Up near the summit of Mt Wellington there are two interesting features — well, several, actually, but we’ll just focus on two of them, seen on today’s little stroll. The first is the world’s smallest and most ineffective ice-skating rink. It was built in the late 1930s, but apparently on the rare occasions that it froze […] It is always a bit awkward to discover — after a good day in a beautiful place with some amusing bits along the way — that you hadn’t actually reached your intended destination. 100 metres short. That’s all. 100 metres. And it’s not as if I couldn’t have known, because I had been there before and have photographs. Admittedly […] The morning was barely half done by the time we got back from Solomon’s Throne to the track junction and so, despite knowing more uphills were involved, we decided to go up The Temple as well. This mountain, in the middle of the Walls, is not as high as some of its neighbours, but it was […] For the Monday of the Australia Day long weekend, some of the local geocachers organised a trip to hunt some caches on the top of Mt Wellington. With the weather gorgeous, the terrain alpine, the company good (and useful, since we ventured a little further afield than I might attempt on my Tod), and the objectives […] Yesterday’s printer was going to be taken to an electronics recycling pick-up point, and it made sense to get rid of some other electronic/electrical bits and pieces at the same time. So today I threw out my 25 year old stereo, which has been sitting in the garage for nearly two years. It still works (by […] I was going to work all day today, prior to heading back home this evening, but I had discovered that there were three caches a few train stops away in some lovely gardens on islands in a lake. So, I found the cache here on campus first (the one that, if worse came to worst, would […] One of the things I love about geocaching is that it gets me to new and amazing places. Even though I think I know my home state well, there have been numerous occasions where the scent of a hidden plastic box has revealed some gem of a location that I didn’t know existed. The fact of […] |
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