Dramatis persona*
Helen Chick
I've always wanted a bumper sticker that said "I'm a female, LDS/Mormon, Scout leading, geocaching, piano-playing, bicycling, mathematics educator with a PhD in maths ... and I VOTE"! I think this makes me a minority group of cardinality 1!
* Since there's only one of me and "personae" is plural (I think), I've gone with dramatis persona.
I think that this will be the last “Walk photo” of the series, at least as far as trying to take a photo on every walk is concerned. I’ve enjoyed the discipline of trying to look for a good shot on each jaunt, but it’s just proving a little too time-consuming to do the resulting blog […]
As the previous post hinted, I had Scouting activities over the weekend. There were just the two kids with us on Friday night and Saturday morning (the remainder had sporting commitments), which meant that it was easy to head off for our hike to Tunnel Bay. The first four photos below show aspects of this trip, […]
I managed a longer walk today, thanks to a 10km Scout hike down on the Tasman Peninsula. The weather was on the ordinary side, with passing showers and blustery winds. The terrain was — shall we say — “undulating”, with a few ups and downs to get the heart pumping, as the rough track made its […]
A good view though not a good photo. In the last couple of days I’ve found a nice walking track on the hill above the campus not far from my office. It has a nice view over the river*, bridge and city. Unfortunately the sun was also in approximately the same direction as the best view.
* […]
Today’s walk photo needs a small amount of explanation.
You see, I forgot to take a photo while I was actually on my walk. I put this down to my absent-mindedness and the fact that I had other things on my mind. When I got back to the office I decided I needed a photo, to […]
Today’s walk nearly didn’t happen (too much on the to do list) and then I forgot to take the little camera.
However, I did manage to get out for my half hour 3km (I ignored the to do list), and the iPhone came to the rescue — as best it could — as a camera. It’s graininess […]
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in the wood, and I —
I took the one less travelled by
And that has made all the difference.*
Actually I haven’t travelled this one yet (well, apart from the 30m needed to find this photo), but I now know where it is, and […]
Tonight’s walk coincided with one of those still winter nights, cold and peaceful and with the river millpond calm.
The bridge reflections were lovely, I thought, and — since night photo opportunities are relatively limited — that became the obvious choice for today’s […]
I borrowed one of my nieces, B, on a gloriously sunny winter Saturday, so she and I could have some fun somewhere in the outdoors.
We headed up to the Waterworks Reserve, nestled beneath the Mountain, and had our lunch to the sound of kookaburras in the nearby trees.
We then enjoyed a stroll around the upper reservoir, […]
Today I went for a longer walk than usual, in part because it was a glorious day and largely because I haven’t been doing as many walks as I want to be doing.
The route I took is quite scenic, so there is more than enough incentive — photo ops and exercise pay-off — to take this […]
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