Dramatis persona*

helenhead Helen Chick

I've always wanted a bumper sticker that said "I'm a female, LDS/Mormon, Scout leading, geocaching, piano-playing, bicycling, mathematics educator with a PhD in maths ... and I VOTE"!

I think this makes me a minority group of cardinality 1!

* Since there's only one of me and "personae" is plural (I think), I've gone with dramatis persona.
June 2016
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Midlands 2016-#11N

Most of my midlands trips this year have been coinciding with sunset time (and this is likely to continue), and so the sunset shots are likely to become a theme if I maintain this self-imposed photography challenge that helps to keep the drive interesting. This time the pink is on the opposite side of the sky […]

Scouts, smoke and seascapes

For a semester that was supposed to be a quiet one, this first half of the year has been more hectic than I’d hoped, and while the idea of a Scout camp this weekend was very appealing, it was a bit of a struggle to actually get there (and, in fact, I wasn’t able to head […]

Loyalty cards

Okay, so I managed to find something to dress up in to wear to the annual big university dinner. (It/I actually looked much better in real life than in the photo, if you can trust my judgment about these things (which normally I wouldn’t)).

I was looking for other attire, in fact, when I was browsing in […]

Moods of the Mountain #77

20 June: A foggy morning with an extensive Bridgewater Jerry flowing downriver. There were times when the mountain was obscured; I waited until it peeked through just a smidge. The first three photos were taken over the course of an hour.


Four days later (June 24) a sunny morning revealed some recently fallen snow. The second photo […]

Kicking things off

Embarrassing though the evidence may be in retrospect, let the record show that I was, in all likelihood, the first girl to play on a boys’ soccer (football) team in Tasmania (date: probably May or June 1974). I played in both Grade 5 and Grade 6. Our school’s soccer strip was maroon and light blue, which […]

Midlands 2016-#10S

Okay, I kind of feel that sunset silhouettes are a cop-out when it comes to taking photographs that you hope will look good, but I still like them. My tenth midlands work-related* journey was to Launceston to write problems for some forthcoming maths competitions (because that’s what rocks my boat), and on the homeward trip there […]

12 of 12, June 2016

Today’s collection was shaping up to be a miscellaneous hodge-podge, symptomatic of my miscellaneous hodge-podgy life, but, following a demanding but largely sedentary week, I decided I needed to go for a walk this afternoon. I was going to do Risdon Brook Dam but by the time I started heading there things were looking tight for […]

Moods of the Mountain #76

Winter is back, and with it the wintry moods. There have been a couple of days with frosty mornings, clear skies, and the iconic Bridgewater Jerry drifting down the valley.

Then today, just over a week later, there was another day of snow dumping. The following three photos were taken over a 1.5 hour period, with the […]