Dramatis persona*

helenhead Helen Chick

I've always wanted a bumper sticker that said "I'm a female, LDS/Mormon, Scout leading, geocaching, piano-playing, bicycling, mathematics educator with a PhD in maths ... and I VOTE"!

I think this makes me a minority group of cardinality 1!

* Since there's only one of me and "personae" is plural (I think), I've gone with dramatis persona.
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12 of 12, March 2020

This is a 12 of 12 in two parts: the first from my class for future maths teachers this morning, and the second from tonight’s TSO Chorus rehearsal.

So, to my class. One focus for this semester’s unit is to look at different types of activity that get school maths students reasoning about conceptual ideas, instead of […]

Snowy mountain summit

We’ve had a statistics educator from New Zealand visiting us at work and, in addition to work-related conversations, it is always nice to show guests the local scenery. With snow on the mountain and the summit road open we decided to chance a trip to the top in the hope of obtaining spectacular views of Hobart. […]

Black Mountain Tower, Canberra

Once the conference finished, one of the attendees offered my friends and me a lift to the top of Black Mountain, which overlooks Canberra. There is an observation tower at the top and, after photographing the cool lift/elevator indicators (and failing to be smart enough to also time the trip, thus reducing the number of interesting […]

12 of 12, December 2016

The first half of December has been rather hectic, and, since I am embarking on a much anticipated holiday in three days’ time, all the deadlines are coming to a head in frantic fashion.

Fortunately I had technology to remind me it was the 12th.

An email reminded me that the cleaners were going to be cleaning our […]

12 of 12, August 2016

It took all of my alarms (4 different devices), but I managed to fight jet-lag and weariness to get up and get to work before anyone else had turned on the lights in the building.

The day began by dealing with a few work emails, one of which wanted to know how to properly reference a booklet […]

Szeged Conference

As mentioned previously, my reason for being in Szeged was to attend a conference: the annual conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (otherwise known as “PME”). We hosted this event last year in Hobart; this year I could relax (give or take a bit) and enjoy the organisational efforts of others.

The […]

12 of 12, April 2016

A day of food, meetings, and photographic diversion.

At breakfast in my hotel I was seated by a window which was taken up with a large textured vase. This is the view through the handle to the blue sky (and power lines) beyond.

At uni my day was taken up with a nearly-all-day meeting with the rest of […]

12 of 12, February 2016

This month’s 12th began with an extension of the 11th as I had to finish preparing some materials for a professional learning session. The slightly frustrating thing about spending three hours (earlier in the day and then after midnight) photocopying, laminating and then cutting out over 600 little cards was that it was for an activity […]

Reliving some misspent “youth”

During the late 1980s and continuing into the mid 1990s I was working on my PhD in the maths department. Initially I was in a shared office with two other PhD students, Nick and Tim, and it was here that two rather memorable indoor games were invented (well, memorable to us anyway).

The first, “egg squash”, involved […]

12 of 12, September 2015

For this month’s 12th I began the day in Adelaide, having flown up from Hobart yesterday.

When I awoke in my hotel room, after an okay night’s sleep, I decided to do my usual email and internet things, but was thwarted somewhat by the hotel’s extremely slow internet (my thoughts were that it was “wind up internet” […]