Dramatis persona*

helenhead Helen Chick

I've always wanted a bumper sticker that said "I'm a female, LDS/Mormon, Scout leading, geocaching, piano-playing, bicycling, mathematics educator with a PhD in maths ... and I VOTE"!

I think this makes me a minority group of cardinality 1!

* Since there's only one of me and "personae" is plural (I think), I've gone with dramatis persona.
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Church architecture

bOxfordChapelSunday 18 Oct

As Johnnies-come-lately to the Oxford church architectural scene, we Mormons must have decided to keep it simple and just not to even bother trying to compete with the sandstone/limestone spires and gothic carvings. So, instead, we have 1970s functional.

This is not my preferred style, I must say! It kind of reminds me of the Doug McDonell building where I work in Melbourne (although, in light of rumours that are abounding about our future working environment, I think I might be becoming more attached to the good old DMcD than I ever thought possible (but I digress (yet again))).

There is a typical functionality to our chapels, that helps them serve their purposes as both places of worship and activity. There is also a typicality to our congregations and meetings. So, although, I am, technically speaking, a “stranger here”, I am not; and within the ward (approx. equiv. = parish) members there are characters approximately isomorphic to the personalities in other wards I have been in. Moreover, I know the form of the meetings and what we are going to be studying in the lessons. I have attended meetings in the UK, South Africa, South Korea, Newfoundland, and Denmark (oh yes, and Utah! 🙂 ) and have always felt at home wherever I have been. I like this sense of global unity.

We had a really good main meeting today, with talks from two young adults who are about to head off on their missions for 18 months to two years. The young woman is going to Utah (this always seems a bit “coals to Newcastle”-ish to me!), where she will serve as a missionary on Temple Square (one of the main tourist attractions in the area, so she gets to explain and answer questions for visitors), and the young man is going to Canada. They reminded us about what is important in life, and why they have chosen to do this. Their youthful faith and willingness was uplifting.

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