Dramatis persona*

helenhead Helen Chick

I've always wanted a bumper sticker that said "I'm a female, LDS/Mormon, Scout leading, geocaching, piano-playing, bicycling, mathematics educator with a PhD in maths ... and I VOTE"!

I think this makes me a minority group of cardinality 1!

* Since there's only one of me and "personae" is plural (I think), I've gone with dramatis persona.
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Moods of the Mountain #1

As I have mentioned elsewhere in this blog, Mount Wellington is something of a touchstone for my psyche, and when I was house-hunting prior to my move back to Hobart, having a view of the mountain was one of the requirements (although someone has since pointed out that it’s actually quite difficult to find a place in Hobart without a mountain view of some sort!). Anyway, I was blessed to find a place with a good view, with a smidge of river and bridge thrown in for good measure.

The ever-changing weather means that the mountain’s moods are always altering, and so I’m not always sure what it’s going to look like when I glance in its direction*. One of the first things I do when I get up is to have a look at the mountain to see what the weather is going to be like. The mountain’s appearance is generally a good indicator for what to expect weather-wise in the next few hours.

I have decided to document some of its mood changes with a recurring themed photo-based blog post. The “rules of the game” are simple: the photo just has to be taken from my balcony, and, of course, must include the mountain.

This morning I was up before sunrise, and the year’s biggest full moon (since the moon is at its closest to earth at the moment) was just setting over the mountain as the sun rose behind me, washing the mountain with a warm red glow. A few minutes later the glow had changed colour, and the moon had sunk closer to the horizon above the “Lost World” (an interesting area of the mountain hiding behind the lower clouds on the right).

Future “Moods of the Mountain” posts will appear at random as the mood takes me, and the collection of photos (which include a few taken before now) can be found here.

* What these mood photos cannot document are the longer term changes. When I was a kid the mountain always appeared to be blue-grey from a distance, because the devastating 1967 bushfires had destroyed most of the vegetation, leaving ghostly white skeletal trees and exposing the blue-grey dolerite. In the intervening years the regrowth has gradually changed the colour of the whole mountain, so that now it has a definite green tinge when viewed from a distance (except when it blushes in a pink sunrise!).

6 comments to Moods of the Mountain #1

  • David

    It sounds truly captivating.

  • David

    On viewing your picture gallery I must ask/state:
    Should not “moon set” in fact be “moonset” as “sunrise” is not “sun rise”. Just being picky 😛

    and I think last time I was in Hobart – in 2004 I think it was – I think I might have experienced the Bridgewater Jerry, because I remember that the Mountain was inpossible to see, but my memory is not amazing, and it is also possible that it was raining….

    • Helen

      Ah, the Bridgewater Jerry has fogged your mind.

      And mine, too, apparently: I’ll concede moonset. Picky is permitted. (Now I’ll go and change it, and people will wonder what on earth you were on about!)

  • David

    :O It’s a real word!!! I thought you were wordsmithing it yourself – how naive I was.

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