Dramatis persona*

helenhead Helen Chick

I've always wanted a bumper sticker that said "I'm a female, LDS/Mormon, Scout leading, geocaching, piano-playing, bicycling, mathematics educator with a PhD in maths ... and I VOTE"!

I think this makes me a minority group of cardinality 1!

* Since there's only one of me and "personae" is plural (I think), I've gone with dramatis persona.
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My impending move back to Tasmania provides a wonderful opportunity to sort through old bits and pieces, and throw out some (lots?) of things.

The real estate agent calls this “decluttering”.

I hate “decluttering”.

Actually, it is more of a love-hate relationship. I love devising “systems” for filing things and having my memorabilia nicely organised, but, inevitably, I forget my latest system and so, as I discovered today, the same kinds of things end up being filed in three different places. And then there is the fact that I get a bit depressed coming across stuff that reminds me of events I’ve all but forgotten and people I hardly remember or rarely see (but wish I did).  As I have mentioned in another post, I find it a little difficult to deal with my own half-recalled history.

The other problem with decluttering is that there is an intermediate shambolic stage, where everything ends up scattered everywhere before order can be imposed.

So today I sorted through piles of Scout stuff, shown spread across the lounge-room floor in the first photo below. Some of these materials will go up to the Scout hall for the archives and resources there; other bits are for my own files. The second photo shows evidence of (a) how changes in technology can permit dramatic decluttering, and … ummm, well, errr … (b) my geekiness. My collection of episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Babylon 5 on VHS cassettes—that was painstakingly accumulated over weeks and months as the cassettes were released at the cost of $20 or so per double episode—is about to be consigned to the scrapheap. Although I still have a functioning video player, I confess to having replaced these with the convenience and compactness of DVDs in the hope (probably naive) that DVDs will be around for a little while longer than VHS. There are seven cartons in the photo, each containing about 19 cassettes (which means that the pile set me back over $2500 (I wish I hadn’t calculated that now!!)); their replacements, in contrast, would fill less than half a box and cost me about $310. I feel a bit bad throwing out all that stuff, but even if I could find an interested geek, I doubt I could give them away.

I will, however, feel glad about the regained storage space.

6 comments to Decluttering

  • Dan

    I managed to sell all my VHS videos just before the point that no one would want to buy them. I still made a horrific loss that I’ve no intention of ever trying to calculate however

    • Helen

      Turns out I managed to find a geek who wanted them. I admire your timing, however: I usually managed to start acting just AFTER the “too late” point (or, as in this case, several years after!)

  • Libby

    Helen there are geeks in training at my place who would LOVE to take that collection off your hands… we even have a functioning video player…If you can bare to hang onto the boxes until you get to Tassie we would do happy dances of great joy and celebration…

    • Helen

      It’s a deal. All of B5 (minus the movies since they’re not on the DVDs), plus pretty much most of ST:TNG (there were some episode pairs I didn’t buy because they were ordinary episodes). Can you hang on until January (maybe sooner, don’t know yet)? I won’t ask the “Do you have enough space” question because I figure (a) we’re related and so I know the answer, (b) I’m sure you’ll find a way, and (c) it won’t be my problem! Glad to know that they’ll have a new lease on life.

  • Libby

    You can rest assured they’ll be loved, and yes we can wait until Jan, or what ever… I plead the 5th of the other questions! 😀

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