Dramatis persona*

helenhead Helen Chick

I've always wanted a bumper sticker that said "I'm a female, LDS/Mormon, Scout leading, geocaching, piano-playing, bicycling, mathematics educator with a PhD in maths ... and I VOTE"!

I think this makes me a minority group of cardinality 1!

* Since there's only one of me and "personae" is plural (I think), I've gone with dramatis persona.
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12 of 12, January 2011

[I am very mindful of the dreadful floods that are happening in Queensland right now. I’m a long way from there so there is no personal concern for me; we are, instead, being flooded by media reports of varying degrees of drama and inanity. In part because of the inanity, and in part because of my confusion about how much attention to give it, but mostly because I’d just decided to do something else, my 12 of 12 does not touch on this.]

A while ago I downloaded a free app for my iPhone called Old Photo PRO but hadn’t really played around with it to see what it would do. So, for this month’s 12 of 12 I decided to experiment.

Basically, the app allows you to use the iPhone’s camera to take a photograph, and then it processes the image digitally in various ways. It can create a 1950s washed out colour look if you want; I decided to go with the more historic-looking sepia effects on this occasion. In addition it will create “distressed” effects, such as scratches and creases, using six fixed presets, and you can give the image torn edges or traditional round corners. The net effect is a photo that looks as if it was taken in the first half of the twentieth century.

With “old” in mind, I also decided to take photos of what will eventually become my “old” territory once the office move takes place. Originally scheduled for the end of January, I was not surprised to learn that the move has now been postponed until later in the year. So, although these are my “out with the old” photos, it will still be a while before you get to see the “in with the new” shots.

And, as you might expect, news of the delay and my procrastinatory tendencies mean that the office tidying hasn’t progressed much.

Here are the photos.

1 comment to 12 of 12, January 2011

  • Colin C

    I usually poo-poo this iPhone app; it is often overused, and just makes bad photos worse. However, when used by someone with a good eye for composition, the effects can enhance the shot.

    This series is great – I love it!

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