Dramatis persona*

helenhead Helen Chick

I've always wanted a bumper sticker that said "I'm a female, LDS/Mormon, Scout leading, geocaching, piano-playing, bicycling, mathematics educator with a PhD in maths ... and I VOTE"!

I think this makes me a minority group of cardinality 1!

* Since there's only one of me and "personae" is plural (I think), I've gone with dramatis persona.
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Moved at last

Well, it’s finally happened.

We’ve really moved. [Given that I helped a little as my parents moved house in the last couple of weeks, you can imagine that I am “over” moving.]

We have farewelled the old building, although with something of a sense of “This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper” (thanks, T. S. Eliot).

As you can (almost) tell from the photo at right I ended up with about 20 boxes of stuff.

Unfortunately my grand plan to get everything culled, sorted, and properly filed before I left came to naught.

Instead, the things that were already organised remained so (although I had to realphabetize the order of the maths books on arrival at the new office (I’m not obsessive-compulsive or anything …)), some of the things that were a bit semi-random had a little order imposed, but the 15 “my brain is full” piles ended up being dumped into the last couple of boxes as the deadline for vacating the office approached far too quickly.

So much for my goal of being ready on June 9!

Given the reduced size of my new office, the next day I was not surprised to find that only 12 of the boxes were in the room, but it was a relief to find that they had all arrived.

I have worked fairly hard to get everything packed away, and have largely succeeded. To my surprise, I have managed to get most of it to fit.

But you know those 15 piles? They still need attention, and teaching starts up again on Monday. I am not remotely ready, and my dream of being wonderfully organised for Semester 2 has evaporated.

It was nevva gunna happen, was it?

[I hadn’t realised that my fluoro post-it notes labelling the filing cabinets match so well with the lime-green furniture.]

4 comments to Moved at last

  • Linda

    New space looks lovely and bright. Hope there’s a window in there somewhere too for some natural light. Don’t unpack those 15 piles – bet you never have to look for anything in them.

    • Helen

      Unfortunately the 15 piles are the “current”/”in-progress” piles. I have needed them already … and, of course, couldn’t find what I was looking for.
      The office has no windows (none of the closed-in offices do) but it has a glass wall/door that overlooks windows that are 5m away. In this respect I am luckier than most.

  • Linda

    Guess now is not the time to mention I have 4 large windows with a view over the Casino to the river and the Eastern Shore…

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