Dramatis persona*

helenhead Helen Chick

I've always wanted a bumper sticker that said "I'm a female, LDS/Mormon, Scout leading, geocaching, piano-playing, bicycling, mathematics educator with a PhD in maths ... and I VOTE"!

I think this makes me a minority group of cardinality 1!

* Since there's only one of me and "personae" is plural (I think), I've gone with dramatis persona.
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Gulp! I didn’t see that coming

Nearly three weeks ago, I had a phone call to say that the Bishop of my Church ward wanted to see me (a “ward” is like a parish; this post is going to be riddled with explanations for my non-LDS/Mormon friends (and riddled with lots of parentheses (sorry))). I made myself presentable (I’d just returned from camp) and headed up to the chapel, wondering what might be involved and suspecting a new calling (a “calling” is a job/responsibility; positions in the Church are filled by volunteers, but we believe that a person is called by inspiration through the appropriate leader, and so you never know what job you might have next nor for how long).

I knew how crazy my life was/is, and so I was trying to work out what job it might be and whether or not I could manage it (and how I could explain to Bishop that there was no way, with my work commitments and trips to Launceston, that I could teach Seminary again (“Seminary” is the early morning youth scripture study class, which I have taught previously, many years ago, and which I knew was in need of a teacher)).

What I didn’t know was that, while I was at camp, the ward Relief Society president (yeah, I’ll get to that in a minute) had been called to be Seminary teacher.

So, after some preamble about how I was doing spiritually and my willingness to serve, the Bishop dropped the bombshell and asked me if I would accept a calling to be the ward Relief Society president.

I think there was a long silence after that.


For the last few years at Church I have been waving my arm at kids and encouraging them to sing (I’ve been the Primary music director (Primary is the organisation for 3-12 year old kids)). This is a fun calling which I have enjoyed immensely, especially when the kids get excited about — and succeed in — doing songs in parts. In fact, for the past 12 years I have been doing some job or other in Primary.

Being Relief Society president doesn’t involve arm-waving of the musical kind (well, provided the Relief Society music director is present).

Relief Society is an organisation within the Church that focuses on the spiritual and physical needs of the women over 18. Being Relief Society president is going to be slightly more complicated than waving my arm and encouraging folks to sing.

So, when Bishop asked me to accept the calling I had to do some soul-searching.

Despite a huge awareness of my shortcomings and no small sense of being overwhelmed, I somehow felt enough faith that I could say “yes”.

Frankly though, even with that faith, the prospect still terrifies me!

I haven’t even been in Relief Society for 12 years, so I have only a vague idea what is going to be involved … apart from knowing there are going to be routine bits (details to be learned in a crash course over the next few weeks) and some complex, challenging and sensitive bits (the details of which I suspect I can’t even begin to imagine, but which will also be learned in a crash course — or maybe line upon line, precept on precept — over the next however long I have the calling).

Anyway, I was officially called in Sacrament meeting today (“Sacrament meeting” is the main Sunday meeting). I have two wonderful counsellors and secretary, who I know are going to be a great help for me as I find a way to do this calling well.

I am comforted by the quote “Whom the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies”.

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