South-West Hike, Day 2

Day 2 saw us using New Harbour as a base for a day walk across the range at the western end of the beach
and into the next bay, Hidden Bay. Despite the fact that it was not a particularly long distance the terrain wasn't
the easiest for walking. However, the views were lovely., and Hidden Bay well worth the visit.


The day dawned overcast but still quite warm. The morning light effects over the lagoon,
with the sunlit sand, the dark tannin lagoon, and the lowering clouds were lovely.


After climbing through some dense, steep rainforest we got up onto the ridge, where the
view back to New Harbour was impressive (this photo was actually taken on the return journey).


Up on the ridge we had views back to the hills and buttongrass that we had passed on
day one (this too was taken on the way back in the afternoon).


Although we'd had overcast conditions and a light shower on the way across, by the time
we arrived at Hidden Bay the sun was out, highlighting the creamy sand and the iridescent sea.


ˆQuartzite rocks on the beach.


Sea cave in the quartzite cliffs (it's about 140cm high).


Small plant with a tenacious grip on the quartzite.


Coral lichen.


Back at New Harbour (the day's journey had taken us up and over the right hand end of the
far ridge, and then behind the range to the left, up hill and down dale and out to the next bay.


Sand patterns in the lagoon at New Harbour.


Photos taken by Helen Chick. (c) 2013.

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