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After dinner we went in search of a cache in the dark. It was off the track and so the last little bit of the journey was a shin-scraping scrub-bash. Fortunately the cache magically appeared in the beam of my torch (my nice new fancy headtorch with lighthouse beam capable of detecting small spiders from 20m*). Unfortunately the cache contents were very soggy. After finding the cache we went and visited the nearby historic cemetery (much more fun to visit in the dark!).

* Some (all?) spiders have a highly reflective part (maybe it's the eyes (I haven't worked this out yet)) and reflect a tiny pinpoint of light. As we walked along the track I kept trying to spot these tiny stars, and, when I found one, I could tell the kids there was a spider 20m away, and we'd go up and look ... and, sure enough, there would be a tiny spider hiding under a stick or in a clump of grass. (The most important aspect of this exercise was that it raised their Scout Leader's legendary awesome genius status by a factor of 10 (well, I thought it did!)!)

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Photos taken by Helen Chick.