Apparently some of the tourists who come to Australia have the expectation that they will see kangaroos in the streets. Any streets. Every street. We find this amusing, and proceed to inform them about precautions to protect themselves against drop bears.
Although kangaroos are only rarely found in Australian streets, I do have to report that on at least three occasions, including yesterday morning, one of the kangaroo’s smaller cousins, the Bennett’s (or Red-necked) Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus), has made its way from the bush that is about 600m from my house, through the suburban streets, and up the long concrete drive to my battle-axe dead-end house block behind my front neighbour’s place, in order to nibble the grass that pretends to be my lawn.
If only I could train it to do so systematically I could give up lawn-mowing.
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