12 of 12 - 12 January 2012

A relaxing day in the wilds of NZ

The new year provided an opportunity to "get away from it all" with some work friends and friends-of-friends. We did a five day walk first at nearby Lake Waikaremoana (recorded elsewhere on my blog) and then did a three day trip to Lake Waikareiti. The middle day happened to be the 12th, and was planned as a rest day ... although that didn't stop us from going for a longer-than-expected walk to a "nearby" lake and then rowing halfway across the lake to visit an interesting island in the afternoon. I've cheated a little here, since there are really 13 photos, but, in fact, there are a whole lot more about not only the 12th but the rest of the trip. If you want the rest of the Lake Waikareiti trip (waffle and links to more photos and more waffle), then probably you should go to the appopriate blog page. If you want the entire NZ saga, then you'll just need to explore the immediately preceding blog pages (hopefully you'll work it out).


Click here to start with the first picture and progress through the sequence.

Click on an individual photo to enlarge that one.


Photos taken by Helen Chick.