Mt Field National Park - 28 December 2009

Flowers (and one bird)

December is, of course, the beginning of summer, and so lots of things are in bloom. Trouble is, I don't know all their names!

The pink robin (Petroica rodinogaster) is about
the size of a goldfinch.
This one came within a metre of us
(so how come I didn't get a better photo?!)

Tasmanian waratah (Telopea truncata). The
flower heads are about the size of a fist.

Another waratah flower.

Sundew (Drosera sp.), one of the carnivorous
alpine plants. They catch insects on the
sticky dew. The leaves are about 8cm high.



Mountain rocket (Bellendena montana).

A something or other.
(I could make something up
if you would prefer!)

Tea-tree (or similar) growing at the base of a snow gum.

Another unknown plant. We thought there'd be enough information
here to identify it, but we couldn't find it in our books.

Pandani flowers (Richea pandanifolia).


Lemon-scented boronia (Boronia citriodora). The leaves, when
crushed, smell like lemon (bet you wouldn't have guessed!).

Link to the first page of photos (landscapes and textures).

Photos taken by Helen Chick.